How to Create a Room on Cya Live

Creating a virtual room on Cya Live is easy! Whether you want to watch a video with friends, host a yoga session, have a cook-off, or just spend the night chatting away, Cya Live is the perfect one-stop platform for all your needs. With the lowest latency on the web, you can connect with others with no interruptions and share the moments in real-time. Once you’ve created a free account on Cya Live, follow this guide to create your first virtual event.


From the homepage, click on the camera icon located in the top right corner of the page. You should see your profile picture to the right if you have successfully created an account and logged in.


Click on the room icon. 

Creating a room allows you to create an instant event that is either public or private. You can choose the name and add tags. Once you’ve created the event, you have the option to add users through an invite link. If your event is set to public, others may also find your room through the tags you’ve selected. This option is faster and suitable for events where you want to watch videos with friends. Unlike an event, you do not have the option to schedule a specific time, add moderators or sell tickets. To create an event click here.


Hang in there. You’re almost done! The last step is to select the type of content you will be using in your room. You can currently share an image, listen to an mp3 file, or watch a YouTube video in the room format. Support for Netflix is coming soon! 

Load your media by adding the file or a link if adding a Youtube video, don’t forget to give your video a name!

You can find all the content you added in the “My Assets” tab, this way you can easily switch between different content. You can now load the Youtube videos into the main screen, while you pause and play your videos for all users in real-time. You can react together through video or text chat in the right-sidebar. 


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