Mother’s Day With Cya Live

Virtual Mothers Day Hangout

Happy Mother’s Day! Have you thought about what you’ll be doing for your Mom this weekend? Well, whatever it is you’re planning, don’t waste time in traffic. If you live too far from your mom to visit her this Mother’s Day, you don’t have to miss out on celebrating the holiday with her.

Mothers deserve our love and attention every day of the year, not just on one special occasion. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t feel good to give your mom a little extra love on Mother’s Day. If you live far away from your mom or are otherwise unable to see her in person on this special day, don’t fret—you can still show her how much she means to you with a virtual hangout session on Cya Live.

Cya Live is an online platform that makes it easy to connect with the people you care about most. Plan a virtual hangout with your mom this mother’s day where you can chat via text or video call and even play games together, watch netflix and more! S no matter what kind of experience you want to share with Mom this May 8th, Cya Live will help make sure she feels as loved as ever.

Cya Live is the perfect place to celebrate Mother’s Day. Because of the support your mother has given you, now is the perfect time to show your love.

How did Mother’s Day Start?

In the 1870s, Julia Ward Howe, an American poet and author, organized a day encouraging mothers to rally for peace and, Anna Jarvis, a peace activist, was inspired by her own mother, who organized “Mothers’ Friendship Day” in West Virginia during the Civil War. Jarvis and Howe couldn’t have imagined that their early efforts would one day be overshadowed by commercialism and pomp . . . or should we say, “mommercialism”?

Mother’s Day was first introduced in the early 1900 by Anna Jarvis, the holiday’s original founder. Anna’s mother frequently expressed a desire for a holiday that celebrates moms and their hard work. In 1908, Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia held the first Mother’s Day ceremony in honor of her mother at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother by continuing the work she started and to set aside a day to honor all mothers because she believed a mother is “the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world”. Anna’s Mother was a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War, and created Mother’s Day Work Clubs to address public health issues.

Mother’s Day didn’t achieve its official U.S. status until President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill designating the second Sunday in May as a national holiday to honor mothers in 1914. However, that didn’t stop people in various parts of the country from celebrating Mother’s Day prior to that time. It was a long time before the holiday achieved the national stature that Jarvis had hoped for. But by the early 1920s, Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. 

Ideas for Virtual mothers Day Gifts

Since not everyone can be together this mothers day, here are some gift ideas to show that you care, even if you can’t be there.

Order UberEats:
UberEats has an option to send food, flowers or groceries to any address. Simply log onto the app, and change the address to your mom’s! Now you can surprise her with cake, flowers, a nice bowl of pasta, or all of the above.

A monthly box subscription:
Receiving goodies once a month has become a new norm, and with so many emerging companies, there are so many categories to choose from! You can choose monthly beauty boxes, wine, perfume, candles or even vinyls

Have a happy Mother’s Day, from all of us at Cya Live!

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