Unleash the Power of Collaboration: How Cya Live is Revolutionizing Virtual Interaction


Happy Monday everyone! Today, we wanted to take a moment to talk about the power of connection and how Cya Live is leading the way in fostering real, meaningful connections in the digital age.

As we all know, technology has drastically changed the way we interact with one another. Social media and other digital platforms have made it easier than ever to connect with people from all over the world, but often times these connections can feel superficial and impersonal.

That’s where Cya Live comes in. Our platform is designed to bring people together in new and exciting ways, allowing them to engage in real-time, face-to-face interactions through our low latency content delivery network and app synchronization framework.

Whether it’s watching a movie with friends in different states, shopping together in virtual reality, or participating in a virtual panel discussion, Cya Live is breaking down the barriers of distance and creating authentic, immersive experiences for our users.

But it’s not just about entertainment – our platform has far-reaching implications for education, business, and other industries as well. With Cya Live, the possibilities are endless.

We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with technology, and we’re excited to see where this journey takes us. So come join us on the cutting edge of connection and see what Cya Live can do for you.

Has the Movie Theatre Experience Succumbed to Virtual Screenings?

Watch Movies Together

Nearly two years into the COVID-19 global pandemic, it’s fair to say that the world has seen numerous shifts in the technological sector—revolutionized technology has since facilitated corresponding changes in patterns in human culture and human interaction. The movie theatre industry exists as just one trend that has been silently boiling down for the past decade, only speeding up and brought to light due to the restrictions brought on by the pandemic.

According to Forbes, “The $2.2 billion in box office receipts in 2020 marked a 40-year low in domestic box office.” MPAA trends dating back from 2002 onwards reveal a steady decline in annual ticket sales, with 2020 marking a drop of over 80% since 2019. The Numbers additionally reveals that 2020 marks an all-time high in movie ticket pricing, averaging at $9.16 compared to $7.93 in 2011, and $5.66 in 2001. The item to note here is that global movie consumption itself hasn’t gone down— rather, the content source has since migrated. AnnualTicketSales_CyaLiveVirtualPlatform While much of this decline can be attributed to price point and the cost of home-viewing versus the theatre experience, content consumption has arguably changed from a group experience into a solo experience with the development of new video streaming platforms and cultural changes. “Bingeing” new shows and movie marathons from the comfort of one’s home has become the new standardized form of entertainment consumption. But does it have to be? Can we bring back the good old communal movie-watching experience and do so from the comfort of our homes? Absolutely.

As film watching has become a solo experience, Cya Live’s mission is to make content consumption a shared experience once again—but this time, even better. A live events platform that delivers high, 4K production value for virtual and hybrid events, Cya Live has redesigned the content consumption experience to allow audiences to interact with live content, other users, and even stars through video or text chat—all in complete synchronicity. In recognizing the decline in movie theatre popularity even before the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed our industry-leading technology for the sole purpose of unifying people through a combined love for movies. By combining both the bests of the at-home and in-theatre experiences into a single platform, Cya Live has transformed the movie-watching experience for its users. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.

10 Tips for Creating an Awesome Virtual Event

Cya-Live-Virtual-Streaming-Platform While this year has brought us all a series of unprecedented changes, there’s one thing that doesn’t have to change: the way we connect with each other. As the world has gone virtual in the last year, who’s to say that we can’t still come together and host awesome events online? The only distance we should be worrying about is the distance between us and the screens that work hard to bridge the gaps between loved ones! Virtual events open up a whole new realm of possibilities that aren’t dependant on location—it’s time to let everyone in on the fun! Without further ado, here are 10 tips for creating an awesome event—virtual edition! 1. Plan your main event. Virtual viewing? Q-n-A session? The online world is your oyster! First things first, is there an occasion to celebrate? A new movie release? A teambuilding session? A special birthday, perhaps? While having a set occasion provides the perfect excuse to host an event, you could always create an occasion of your own. Haven’t caught up friends or family in a while? Why not get together for an event-filled catch-up session? Every day is a special occasion if you make it one! Whether you’re hosting a movie-viewing with friends and coworkers to celebrate the newest Marvel release or getting your family together for a cooking party to learn grandma’s secret pie recipe, the possibilities are endless! 2. Strategically set the date/time – mind time zone differences and always be specific. One of the biggest conveniences of virtual events is the ability to tune in to a single place from anywhere in the world. However, with great power comes great responsibility! Don’t forget to set your event date and time strategically to accommodate your guests. Mind the time zone differences around the world and don’t forget to take into account things like children’s bedtimes or work hours. Early evening events or weekend afternoons tend to be popular times—if you’re ever unsure, don’t be afraid to survey around for guest availabilities! 3. Set a theme – interactions and engagement are key! The best events always have the coolest themes! Hosting a watch party? Set a fun dress code! Relaxing with a virtual game night? Pre-set themes for each of your teams! Setting a unique theme for your event prompts engagement and allows everyone to take part. Costume parties are a classic among both children and adults—you can even incorporate voting and prizes to encourage attendees to participate! 4. Select your tech and event platform carefully. Keeping in touch has never been so easy thanks to virtual conferencing platforms! Be it getting in touch with family members abroad or kicking back to relax with a trivia night with friends, there seems to be a platform for everything nowadays—but is there an all-in-one platform that can do all these things and more? We did some digging and here’s what we found! Cya Live Cya Live is a multi-way live events platform that brings all event possibilities to life! Cya Live’s technology closely mimics in-person experiences by bringing users 4K quality content while allowing users to simultaneously interact with each other through video chat and text—all in real-time! Click here to give it a shot. 5. Create an agenda with a list of activities. Organization is key for any great event—both virtual and in-person! Keep yourself organized and avoid awkward silences by creating an agenda and activity list. Distribute your agenda to guests ahead of time in case any preparations need to be made in advance. Add a couple of extra activities for good measure—did someone say afterparty? 6. Plan your guestlist – invite a guest speaker! While there are no limits to virtual gatherings, be mindful of your guest list and make sure it’s suitable for your event. Movie-viewings and virtual cook-offs, for instance, would allow for a greater number of guests to partake in the main activity. Spice up your event by inviting a guest speaker—be it a professional chef or a social media influencer, there are no social distancing guidelines when it comes to meet-and-greets on the internet! 7. Send out virtual invitations and set reminders early on. Be crystal clear with instructions. Give your guests plenty of time to RSVP to your event by sending invites out earlier rather than later. Allow a minimum of two weeks between sending out your invites and your event date. Be sure to include detailed instructions detailing your event date, main activities, and how to tune in. Most virtual platforms have invitation links you can send out in advance, but it doesn’t hurt to get creative with your own custom invites as well! Always be as clear as possible with your instructions and select a user-friendly platform for those who are less tech-savvy. 8. Coordinate a menu and snacks. Here’s your chance to get creative with your virtual party menu! If your guests happen to live nearby, arrange for meals and snacks to be delivered or picked up ahead of time. When it comes time to eat, heat up your food and enjoy a warm face-to-face meal! If your guests are not local, organize a cook-off or cooking party. Send out a list of ingredients in your invites for guests to prepare and have a virtual cooking (and eating) session together! Feeling takeout? Coordinate delivery with your guests’ local food delivery services and favourite restaurants and have the fun brought straight to their doorstep. This option takes a bit more time and is suitable for smaller gatherings but trust us, your group will love it! 9. Document the event with photos and recordings! Take to social media to let others in on the #virtualfun! The long-awaited day has finally arrived! Just because your event is virtual doesn’t mean you can’t take fun pics to share. Check with your platform to see if there is a screenshot option or take some of your own! Here are a few screenshot shortcuts: For Windows users: Ctrl + PrtScn For Mac users: shift + command + 4 Don’t forget to take to social media to share your new pics. Add some hashtags to draw more traction to your post and inspire others around the web to create their own #virtualevents too! 10. Don’t forget to relax and have fun amidst all the planning. Planning an event can be hard work, but the payoff is oh-so-worth-it! While your host duties may have taken a toll on you over the last few weeks of vigorous planning, don’t forget to relax and enjoy the event you put together! BONUS: Virtual event = No physical cleanup! *Pat on the back*