4 Tips and Tricks To Make Your Next Virtual Classroom More Fun [With FREE Examples]

Online school seems to have become the standard for education. Even with most of the world going back to normal, many schools, institutions and education centers are reluctant to return to in-person learning. With virtual learning, students gain some advantages such as time saved on travel, flexibility and the overall benefit of studying in the comfort of their own home. Despite these perks, there is a visible lack of engagement and participation in online lessons. Keep reading to find out how you can keep your students present in class and involved in the lectures.

1.Use your camera and background

It’s hard for students to stare at PowerPoints all day, especially when they have 2-3 classes per day  this can be a whole 9 hours of video chat in total! That said, to make the experience more interactive and engaging, turn your camera on so students see your face. Being on camera can capture your non-verbal cues and increase overall engagement. You can also use your background to your advantage by making it feel like a real classroom experience. Hang posters of fun quotes or use household items as props. Even showing your cute dog or cat on camera for a few seconds can re-engage your class and give them something to look forward to during hours of screen time. Make sure you come prepared and ready to teach. This involves an enthusiastic, eager to teach attitude and a lot of patience. Remember that each individuals learns at their own pace, and everyone is differently affected by virtual learning. What works for some may not work for others, but patience is key to understanding your students learnings styles as you transition to online learning.

2.Use different games to increase interaction

Using games in your lesson can greatly increase attention span and retention. Games make learning fun! Students can repeat and remember the presented material without making it feel like a chore. It can motivate students and encourage desired behaviors by using and applying their new knowledge and skills. In an online study done by Springer Link, games have been proven to increase student engagement in remote teaching. Increase interaction and engagement by using gamification in your lesson!

Here are some websites that are great tools to use in the virtual classroom:

Kahoot: Kahoot makes learning fun by displaying a series of questions allowing users to chose their answers. Users can log into the game from their browser, tablet or smart phone to cast votes on what they believe the correct answer is. Students can use their real names or remain anonymous. The fun part is the score keeping, it can get competitive! 

Jeopardy Labs: An all-time family favorite, everyone can enjoy a good game of Jeopardy. This website allows you to create your own customized Jeopardy game. One benefit of Jeopardy is that each student can chose which category they want to answer questions in, giving them an advantage. Have students break up into groups or play individually to earn points and see who the Jeopardy champion will be!

3.Ask questions, encourage communication, gather feedback

Virtual learning takes away many factors that would otherwise help students learn materials in the class. For example, for it can be difficult for some students to get involved or speak up because of their environment, internet connection or simply the fear of interrupting or being judged by peers. With in-person classes, its easy to gauge understanding students are of the presented material. You can always tell if a student is lost, confused or if material needs to be reiterated. But in an online setting, this connection is lost, and so some questions will remain unanswered. This is why its important to allow for a safe space where learning is not only a one-way interaction, but a conversation where everyone is involved. Always remember to ask questions, give examples, and ask the class what they think of the material. If you give students the opportunity to speak up and express their ideas or concerns, they will feel more valued and engaged, increasing their focus and productivity.

Don’t forget to:

– Ask students to give an example of the material being presented
– Explain the material in their own words
– Ask students to make an educated guess
– Pause and reflect
– Allow hesitant students to send you a private message if they need the material repeated

4. Use mixed media instead of PowerPoint slides.

Surprise students by NOT using a PowerPoint in your next lesson. Although PowerPoints have become the norm, there are many great alternatives out there to change up your presenting style. According to Forbes.com, your audience tunes out and loses attention after 10 minutes and although PowerPoint can offer many great features such as transitions and movement to make content come alive, it is time-consuming to incorporate and requires some skill. Luckily there are many alternatives available that easily turn boring slides decks into meaningful attention-grabbing content. And the best part? They’re FREE!

Here’s our favorite alternatives to PowerPoint:

Prezi: Prezi allows you to present information in a linear interactive visual. Follow along information by zooming in and out while panning around one large canvas. You can set pathways to the content you want be shown next, and use images, videos and text to showcase your learning material. In addition Prezi is completely free, unless you want to pay for the extra stuff.

Youtube: Believe it or not, for every topic in the world, there is a video about it. The best feature of using online videos for education is that they are free and readily available online. Most videos are made with attention spans in mind, which is why they focus on delivering the necessary information in the most interesting way possible. This can include real life examples, illustrations or even cartoon skits. Take a break from talking and let a video do the rest!

In summary to make your virtual classroom more fun, and lectures less boring:

1.Use your camera and background
2. Use different games to increase interaction
3. Ask questions, encourage communication and gather feedback\
4. Use mixed media instead of PowerPoint slides.

Comment below which tip is your favorite!