Shop Together
with Influencers

Showcase your products with influencers while engaging with  live audiences

3D product viewing

Showcase products in 3D. Provide customers with a more realistic and detailed view of your products. Customers get to interact with 3D representations of your product.

Live interaction

Interact with influencers, co-hosts, customers in real-time. Create more personal and engaging experiences for customers, making them more likely to purchase.

Direct Sales

With Cya Live, customers can purchase products directly from the stream, making the buying process seamless and convenient. You can also direct users to an external site.  


Advanced analytics and tracking

Get advanced analytics and tracking tools to help understand your audience and optimize your sales strategy


is changing

Consumers rely more and more on influencers for their purchasing decisions.

Cya Live creates communal experiences around shopping allowing you to engage consumers and increase sales. 

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